
Did You Know

That an average Date Palm is so productive it can generate a harvest of up to 50 kg a year for up to 60 years or more? ... Read more

Natural Grocer offers dates in a number of pack sizes in the following varieties:

(click on a product below to see its nutritional values)

  • Dates
  • diced

something to chew on


The Date was first cultivated more than 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia (Iraq). It grew abundantly in the area known as the Fertile Crescent (Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Turkey) and therefore, Dates were the cheapest of staple foods. Villagers in Mesopotamia dried them and ate them as sweets.

Because Dates were such an integral part of the daily diet, they were even recorded in Assyrian and Babylonian monuments and temples. They were also valued by travelers and explorers for their energy and were recommended as stimulants against fatigue.

The Natural Grocer sources only the finest Iranian Dates for their superior flavour and texture. In fact they are so juicy and tasty that we use them in our Premium Muesli range.

Despite their unusual appearance Dates are delicious chewy, caramel flavoured dried fruits, which are enjoyed around the world.

Did you know that an average Date Palm is so productive it can generate a harvest of up to 50 kg a year for up to 60 years or more?

We have made sure that the stones have been removed (pitted) so you can enjoy them straight away. (But the odd one sneaks through so be careful!)

Enjoy our Dates in cooking and baking, chopped and sprinkled over your favourite breakfast cereal or a simple handful as a delicious snack.

The Natural Grocer offers dried whole pitted Dates and diced Dates in a number of pack sizes.